The Lazy Boy and the Buddha

The Lazy Boy and the Buddha


Story of the Lazy Boy and the Buddha

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Raj who lived in a small village surrounded by hills. Raj was known for being lazy. While other kids helped their families or played games, Raj preferred to just sit under a big tree all day.

His parents often told him to be more responsible and do something useful with his time. But Raj didn’t seem to care much about their advice.

One sunny morning, Raj saw an old man walking through the village. He looked wise and peaceful. Raj felt curious about him and went to talk to him.

“Who are you, sir? And why are you here?” Raj asked the old man.

The old man smiled and said, “I’m known as the Buddha. I’m here to share my wisdom with people who want to learn.”

Raj was amazed. He had heard about the Buddha but never thought he’d meet him in person.

“I have a question,” Raj said eagerly. “I’m lazy and waste a lot of time. How can I change and become better?”

The Buddha looked at Raj kindly and said, “Start by doing small things instead of nothing. Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them.”

Raj listened carefully to the Buddha’s advice. He decided to change his ways and become a better person.

The next day, Raj woke up with a new attitude. Instead of sitting around, he helped his parents with chores and assisted his neighbors.

As days passed, Raj felt happier and more fulfilled. He realized the joy of being useful and hardworking.

News of Raj’s change spread across the village. People were impressed by his transformation. Even Raj’s parents were proud to see him taking responsibility.

One day, as Raj sat under the tree, the Buddha approached him again.

“I’m proud of you, Raj,” the Buddha said. “You’ve worked hard to improve yourself. Keep going, and you’ll find true happiness.”

Raj thanked the Buddha with a smile. He knew he still had much to learn, but he felt confident with the Buddha’s guidance.

From that day on, Raj became an inspiration to others in the village. His story showed that anyone can change for the better if they’re willing to try.

Moral of the Story:

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